I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science, part of the Programming Languages Research Group and the Chicago Quantum Exchange.
Focus Areas: Quantum Computing, Formal Verification, Quantum Programming
My main interest is in applying techniques from programming languages and formal verification to the domain of quantum computation. Two of my main projects are the QWIRE quantum circuit language (with Jennifer Paykin) and the VOQC verified optimizing compiler (with Kesha Hietala). I’m currently interested in verified optimization, error-correction, type systems and programming abstractions for quantum computing.
I’m working on a book on verified quantum programming! Email me if you’d like to use the book for your own course.
Labs & Groups
Programming Languages Group
Interested in all aspects of programming language design and implementation, ranging from theoretical foundations to practical applications.
EPiQC (Enabling Practical-Scale Quantum Computing)
Fred Chong
A multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional NSF Expedition in Computing, led by UChicago, that spans quantum algorithms, software, and physical machines.
Awards & Honors
AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program Award
France and Chicago Collaborating in the Sciences Award
Keynote Speaker, Compiler Construction
Distinguished paper award, PLDI
Distinguished paper award, POPL
Victor Basili Postdoctoral Fellowship (UMD)