Advisor: Allyson Ettinger

My name is Chenghao Yang. I am currently a (x-2022)-year Ph.D. student at University of Chicago. I am fortunately advised by Prof. Allyson Ettinger and I also worked with Prof. Chenhao Tan. My research is generously supported by Eckhardt Scholarship.

My research interest focuses on natural language processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). My goal is to design practical NLP systems as well as understand the underlying human intelligence behind the natural language. Recently, I worked on pragmatics, word-level semantics, robustness, question-answering and continuous-time event stream modeling.

Before I join UChicago, I was previously an applied scientist at AWS AI, under the lead of Andrew O. Arnold. My full-time work at AWS AI is mostly about building and evaluating large-scale language models for code generation (Check out our great AWS Codewhisper!). I obtained my M.S. degree in Computer Science Department at Columbia University (ML track) and my bachelor’s degree in Software College, Beihang University.


AI & Machine Learning

Foundations and applications of computer algorithms making data-centric models, predictions, and decisions
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